Hello, I am Adriaan (online known as Bunnygamers or Bunny) and do some things once in a while, I am crap at coding, but I still do it.


IAA is a tool for combining images and achives, to hide the stuff in the archive. It is programmed in Processing, a simplefied version of Java and is based on this video by Tinkernut.


GM4 is a collection of Minecraft datapacks that feel vanilla-ish but still aren't boring.
I contributed 2 lines (both were small patches) and a module, something I failed to do thrice before.

Unblend & Replace Colour

^ Earth, but instead of water being blue, it's purple/"orange"/red/green. Made with Replace Colour, source: NASA

^ Some colour light thing, but the black is replaced with transparency. Made with unblend, source: N/A. (top is input)

Unblend is a P5 thing that replaces a given colour with transparency, but not like a magic wand tool or a chroma key because it keeps on blending until there is no trace of the colour left.
Replace colour does the same thing, but it replaces the colour with a different colour instead of transparency. (brown is just dark orange ok, don't judge me)


cΒ³ is a thing that just shows a random colour and then gradually changes to more random colours.
I have no idea why I called it cΒ³.

DTMF Library

DTMF Library is a JavaScript thing that I made once, you can use it to play DTMF tones and has a list of commonly used ones.
It's crapply coded but IDC.


Downloady-bois is a list of things to download or list media from some web-sites.
(if ever i learn python, are committed enough and learn their plugin format i might try to have them be in yt-dlp or someting **)

GM4 Faithful

GM4 Faithful is a crapply made version of GM4 Resources that has 32x32 textures.

Google translate popup remover

userscript that does exactly what the name says


Just don't

School Projects

Things we made for school.

*This applies to everything here, apart from the GM4, that module was effectively redone by Misode.
**I won't

dark mode